Electronic Prior Authorization Bill Reintroduced in Congress
For clinical labs, the proposed law could bring more consistency to test ordering
Keeps You Up-to-Date on Federal & State Laws, Regulations, New Legislation, and Court Cases that Affect Your Diagnostic Lab or Pathology Practice
For clinical labs, the proposed law could bring more consistency to test ordering
Lab leaders say that the increased level of scrutiny proposed for such tests would be a detriment to innovation and patient care.
As of October 1, medical device makers must include information about their products’ vulnerabilities when seeking premarket authorization.
When it comes to protected health information, it’s important that labs manage contracts with external sources to ensure HIPAA compliance.
Key points labs should know about the recently proposed OCR rule on privacy protections for PHI associated with reproductive health care.
An analysis of recent OCR enforcement actions and settlements identifies the common pitfalls labs should watch out for.
Here are what G2 Intelligence considers the three most significant deals announced in the period from late August to early September.
Lab leaders are at the greatest risk of HIPAA violations when they get complacent about privacy training.
This template helps lab leaders implement a written policy limiting and establishing procedures governing use of PHI for marketing.
This template helps labs create a fact sheet that highlights the key HIPAA-related do’s and don’ts for marketing staff.
Though COVID-19 testing declines continue to negatively affect lab industry profits, the latest figures suggest the worst may be over.