Out with the Old: The 2024 Clinical Lab Experience
What challenges and opportunities affected the experience of medical lab professionals in 2024—and what might the new year bring?
What challenges and opportunities affected the experience of medical lab professionals in 2024—and what might the new year bring?
Missing small details or getting them wrong can be disastrous for a lab move—here’s how to avoid major issues.
Deciding whether to purchase or lease laboratory instrumentation involves a variety of factors.
Gather Labs founder and CEO Rachael McCrary discusses how her lab has achieved success beyond COVID-19 testing.
Recent survey provides insight into how current pressures are impacting laboratory staff wages and compensation.
What should pathology groups and labs do in order to attract and maintain clinical talent in today’s economy?
The wave of layoffs, which began last year with the declines in COVID-19 testing sales, has gathered momentum in 2023.
No company better embodies the vicissitudes of running a COVID-19-focused diagnostics business during the pandemic period than Lucira Health.
With COVID-19 testing demand all but dried up, labs will have to make—or at least contemplate making—significant changes to their business.
An effective business case communicates need, benefit, and risks.
Factors to consider when determining if the concierge business model is best for your laboratory.