Labcorp, Quest, and ARUP Develop Bird Flu Tests with CDC Help
The assays were developed with the CDC as part of recent trend of public-private partnerships to improve pandemic preparedness
Keeps You Up-to-Date on New Diagnostic Tests, Testing Trends and Opportunities, and Emerging Test Technologies
The assays were developed with the CDC as part of recent trend of public-private partnerships to improve pandemic preparedness
Understanding the regulatory landscape of genetic and genomic testing, and its impact on clinical practice
With patient and provider demand for WGS on the rise, what should laboratorians know about ordering and interpreting this testing?
AI can help alleviate the burden on clinical labs—but only with sufficient investment, enthusiasm, and understanding
How three companies are addressing screening challenges with tests that help improve chances of early detection
Computational biology expert Keaun Amani shares his advice and insights on AI and machine learning tools for the clinical lab
How do the underlying datasets affect artificial intelligence tools’ performance in the lab—and beyond?
Many artificial intelligence-based medical devices have not undergone clinical validation—but what does this mean for the lab?
Lab scientists using testing equipment too quickly brings up training concerns in discussions at recent ADLM conference
Expansion of use for two assays gives patients the option to self-collect specimens at home and in the clinic, which may help address gaps in screening
With the global cancer burden growing, is a universal germline genomic testing approach the key to more effectively combating the disease?