How to Prevent the Top 10 CLIA Deficiencies
A laboratory safety expert shares the most common CLIA citations from recent lab inspections, and how your lab can avoid similar problems.
A laboratory safety expert shares the most common CLIA citations from recent lab inspections, and how your lab can avoid similar problems.
When selling your laboratory, in order to remain compliant with federal code, EKRA is something you will want to consider
How widespread is corruption in the lab—and what can be done to combat it?
Recent enforcement actions show that clinical laboratories must remain vigilant about compliance relating to these areas
Healthcare attorneys explain three digital pathology models for laboratories to be aware of.
Which staff members lab professionals should consider when developing their exposure control plans to ensure OSHA compliance.
How lab leaders can manage the data security risks of staff using personal devices for work-related purposes.
The compliance risks of giving referral sources software or equipment to ensure the security of protected health information.
Lab leaders are at the greatest risk of HIPAA violations when they get complacent about privacy training.
While overpayments may not be your fault, they expose your lab to the risk of liability under the Affordable Care Act.
While ChatGPT has its place, allowing lab staff to use it exposes you to liabilities—here are some ways to manage the risks involved.